Monday, August 27, 2012

Win a Wardrobe from PLC!

I've got several new and exciting announcements. The first one being our Fall Look Book is due out very very soon! I promise it will not disappoint. I have been working hard on it.

Also our website is undergoing a major change with the new pictures. I know it looks kind of messy right now. Up until now I have been borrowing equipment to take the photos and now I am able to purchase my own dress form. YAY! The remaining pictures will soon be taken and the site should look nice and clean and cohesive soon.

Now for the best part!! I'd love to tell you all about a new and exciting giveaway designed to reward you for helping us spread the word about Penelope Lane Clothing. This giveaway is the biggest I have ever done. The 1st prize winner will receive 10 items from Penelope Lane Clothing to add to their closet. The items include 2 dresses, 2 accessories, 3 bottoms, and 3 tops. The second place winner will receive 3 items from Penelope Lane Clothing to add to their closet. The third place winner will receive one item to add to their closet.

Your wardrobe could look like this:

Win a new Wardrobe

*Items shown may not necessarily be prizes awarded due to inventory and sizing.

There are several ways to win including following us on facebook, twitter, and GFC. Find all the ways below and good luck!! Since this is such a big giveaway, and because it is a busy month for me the giveaway won't end until September 28th.

You can enter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Today's Challenge: Enjoy your day. 

With Love,

P.S. I'm linking up with Molly over at Still being Molly today!



  1. YAY! such a great giveaway and so excited for all you're doing. thanks for linking up, holly!!

  2. Oh, would love to win! Found you through #YOLO Mondays :)


  3. Such a fun give away!

  4. Love these clothes! I'll be entering this giveaway! Thanks for hosting! Found you through the bloghop!

  5. Wow, this is a really cool giveaway! It'd be so fun to win!

  6. Awesome giveaway!

    New follower from GFC Hop. Love for you to stop by and return the follow when you can ;)

  7. who won the Poppy Wallet Giveaway?

    1. The person who won the wallet had some concerns about privacy and asked not to have their name disclosed. I can respect that and I understand why they feel that way. I can tell you that the discount they received was good for 40% off one item. As long as the winners of this giveaway allow it I will certainly post an announcement of congrats. Good luck to everyone.


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