Friday, May 1, 2015

The Top Five Essential Oils for Homeschooling

Essential oils are all over the internet these days and I have yet to make the leap. My friend Tiffany has been telling me about the benefits that come with using them. She has in fact been using them since 2013. I asked her if she would mind sharing her favorites when it comes to homeschooling. I am pleased to share her top 5 essential oils for use in homeschooling for those looking to get started.

1.  Brain Power - This increases oxygen to the brain, high in sesquiterpenes which helps to clear receptor cells, helps clarify thought and bring greater focus. 

2.  Clarity - This oil sharpens sense and concentration, It also increases mental accuracy, uplifts emotions. It makes a great pairing with Brain Power.

3.  Lemon - Lemon improves mental alertness, concentration, and as a bonus, it is also a mood lifter.

4.  Rosemary - Rosemary helps improve memory. This one is great when studying for an exam, and paired with lemon it is great for memory retention and concentration when needed most. 

5.  Motivation - This blend improves mental acuity, stimulates feelings of accomplishment, grounding and balancing.

Essential oils takes 2-3 minutes to get into your blood stream, 20 minutes to reach every cell in your body and 22 seconds from nose to brain and cross the blood brain barrier. Keep this in mind when deciding how to use your essential oils. 

Thank you to Tiffany for the suggestions for getting starting with essential oils. You can find more from Tiffany here


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