Friday, June 8, 2012

Buying a new wardrobe on a budget

New Wardrobe

First of all needing to replace an entire wardrobe sucks! After I had Mr.Man my I thought oh I'll just be in the maternity clothing for a while then I will work back into my clothes. It turns out Mr.Man changed the way my body is shaped. My hips are wider so all my shorts no longer fit me. I was lucky enough to have some pants that worked. I also needed tops because I was no longer comfortable showing my stomach- stretch marks EWW. The husband calls them "Battle Scars". I think that sounds more like it.

Here area a few things I learned when shopping for a new wardrobe on a budget. 

1. If you Google lists of wardrobe essentials you will find they tell you to get a suit. Don't do it. Unless you plan on going to a job interview or have a career that you know requires it go with a pencil skirt and blazer with matching detail. Both of these pieces can easily work their way into other outfits.

2. Invest in jeans that fit. Usually 2 cuts of jeans will hold you over. 

3. A good pair of trousers in black. 

4. A pair of pants in a shade of brown or white.

5. An everyday dress. This is a dress that you can wear to a lunch date or a school function for your kids

6. A "Little Black Dress" except I recommend you get a color you love. My favorite color is Eggplant for this kind of dress. This dress should be good quality and one solid color. The outfit is changed by the accessories with this dress. Do not be afraid to spend money on this.

7. A long sleeve blouse and a short or no sleeve blouse. A Short or no sleeve blouse is good for the summer or when wearing a blazer cardigan or sweater

8. A good cardigan. Ok I'm not going to lie. This is the part of my closet that I usually splurge on. I LOVE cardigans. I dedicate a part of my closet space to them. I name them.

9. Camisoles, up to three, to get you started. I think the best colors are either white, black or nude. Nude is the best choice if starting with just one, its as universal as it gets.

10. A basic tee shirt in your favorite color.

Then just add shoes and accessories. Don't forget about accessories. They take these basics and make them interesting outfits. Also don't discount the idea of thrift stores for great clothes. I have found some of my favorite pieces at thrift stores. Shop clearance racks but invest in the basics if you have too.

After you have established a basic wardrobe then add interesting "trendy pieces when you find a great price, really love it or have extra cash to spend.


  1. Thank you for this quick guide! I have recently lost a bunch of weight and need a new wardrobe. Having this list really helps for a starting point. Much appreciated


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